Power BI in housing
Social landlords are looking for better ways to visualise their data to support decision making and provide greater insight. Microsoft Power BI is data visualisation software that can help bring data to life and reveals the stories behind the numbers - via live data dashboards, interactive reports, charts, graphs, and more.
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Power BI in housing β part one
Social landlords are looking for better ways to visualise their data to support decision making and provide greater insight.Β Microsoft Power BI is data visualisation software that can help bring data to life and reveals the stories behind the numbers – via live data dashboards, interactive reports, charts, graphs, and more.
This one-day course (delivered over two half days) is aimed at those with no previous experience of Power BI. The course will cover the components of Power BI and provide you with the knowledge to understand how to leverage Power BI to build reports and dashboards with interactive visualisations.
Power BI in housing β part two
This one-day course (delivered over two half days) is aimed at data analysts who need to work with multiple data sources. The course will develop your skills in getting data from multiple sources and understanding the concept of data modelling in Power BI concept, with an additional focus on data cleansing and transformation.
Power BI in housing β part three
This one-day course (delivered over two half days) is aimed at analysts who wants to do more with their organisationβs data and understand the concepts of DAX and M query. The course will focus on how Power BI works seamlessly with other tools to create an end-to-end solution, and how it can be deployed as an enterprise tool for data and analytics. On completion of all three Power BI courses, you and your organisation will benefit from near real-time reporting and analytics, improved consistency across reporting, and time saved in data transformation.
To book your place visit our events page.
For more information about our data training courses, please contact rose.buckle@housemark.co.uk.
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Our expert partners are here to provide support to boost your in-house capabilities. By presenting data in a clear way, weβll show you what the numbers mean to your customers, your people, and your business.
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