Voids Club

Landlords are feeling the impact of lost income, increasing pressure to get properties to a lettable standard and to minimise the disruption in rent. Improving your voids performance and communicating your journey to your board and other key stakeholders is vital. Join our Club to share best practice and common challenges, and explore solutions to maximise income and minimise risk.

Find out more

Join our club to share best practice and common challenges, and explore solutions to maximise income and minimise risk.

At all of our clubs, content is driven by membersโ€™ priorities and requests, truly giving you the chance to shape the agenda for the future. Between meetings, you will benefit from exclusive access to a membersโ€™ forum to increase discussion and networking opportunities.

Housemark Specialist Clubs are open to both Housemark members and non-members, with discounts available for multiple places.

Our Specialist Clubs programme is back for 2025 โ€“ for more information contact helen.williams@housemark.co.uk.ย 

Explore the preview programme and 2025 Specialist Clubs brochure

โ€œIt was great to hear about othersโ€™ experiences of voids and how to address issues to improve timescales and lets.โ€

Michelle Harding Business Support Lead - Housing Assets, Exeter City Council

โ€œWas great to get together with staff members of other organisations, compare notes on issues and challenges we all face at the moment and take away new ideas on how to overcome those.โ€

Jade Donnelly Homes Lettings Co-ordinator, Karbon Homes

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