Bespoke budget forecast tool
The insight you need to give you confidence in business planning for this year, and the next.
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Compare projections on profitability and financial forecasts based on five-year trend data.
Model resourcing levels to see the live impact of key decisions on potential performance. Only with this interactive modelling tool can you:
- Compare with the wider sector on key performance and cost metrics over five years to see projections on profitability compared to the rest of the sector.
- Model different scenarios based on local decisions β and for housing associations, see how this would affect VFM metrics.
- Adjust resourcing levels to understand the likely impact on performance β from increasing investment in ITC to accelerate channel shift, to identifying the optimal number of rent collection staff to maximise revenue.
To see a demonstration of our 2019/20 financial year tool, watch our video below:
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Our expert partners are here to provide support to boost your in-house capabilities. By presenting data in a clear way, weβll show you what the numbers mean to your customers, your people, and your business.
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