Social landlords are facing numerous challenges, conflicting priorities and demands right now - asset investment decisions, decarbonisation, ongoing operational concerns, and changes in government legislation. You need a partner you can trust to navigate you through uncertain times and steer you in the right direction.
By joining Housemark you’ll be joining more than 350 other organisations representing over 3.5 million homes across the UK, all with access to our entire data and comparison offer, plus membership inclusive events, preview access to reports and publications, and preferential rates for our other tools and services. This year, our membership offer is bigger and better than ever before. Here are just some of the reasons why there’s never been a better time to join Housemark.
Timely and relevant information to help you make decisions
The need for quick, on time data and analysis during the pandemic led to the inception of our Monthly Pulse reports – giving you on time and in context insights helping to inform decisions that drive efficiency and improve performance. Exclusive to Housemark members, Monthly Pulse covers key performance metrics, chosen in consultation with our members, which reflect current landlord and regulatory priorities.
Members also benefit from tailored feedback reports from our team of data experts. These delve deep into your data and enable you to compare where you are in relation to the sector. Cost comparisons help you focus on what you’re spending and where you can make changes and focus your efforts.
Discover the full range of Housemark data and insight reports.
Stay ahead of regulation
For 2022, Housemark members will have exclusive access to the sector’s only interactive Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) dashboard. Only with Housemark will you be able to see how you compare against the sector across this critical suite of measures.
As part of new consumer regulation in England, the Regulator for Social Housing has proposed a suite of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) that all local authorities, ALMOs, and housing associations in England will need to report on in the future. Housemark members will benefit from exclusive access to an interactive TSM dashboard providing an early indication of how you compare and ensuring you are ready for regulation.
Gain exclusive access to meaningful metrics
Landlords across the UK publish key financial metrics each year in their annual statements. In England, regulatory financial metrics are reported by larger housing associations to comply with the value-for-money (VFM) standard. For 2022, our members get exclusive first access to VFM metrics comparisons.
We’ve created a standardised way to monitor and measure building safety by putting in place a set of comparable KPI measures across six key building safety activities – gas, electrical, fire, asbestos, water and lifting equipment. Our members can compare building safety performance as part of their annual benchmarking submission.
Access to research projects and pilot programmes
The UK Government has set down an ambitious challenge of net zero carbon for the UK by 2050. For social landlords, this means they will have to look for a range of ways to decarbonise their existing stock and develop new homes in new ways that align to this ambition.
In response, we launched a decarbonisation research project aimed at producing realistic comparable scenarios, showing the cost and benefits of decarbonising existing stock over periods of time. Having inside access to research projects and pilot programmes helps you to stay ahead of the curve. Why not be part of the conversation?
Ongoing training and development for your team
With a wide range of training courses, we have something for everyone. From power BI to Excel, we can help your staff become more data literate. New for 2022, we also have Data Masterclasses that help you to unlock the power of data in your business.
These 90-minute online sessions provide a blend of presentations, practical guidance, case studies, discussion and debate. Sessions this year include:
- That golden thread – why a strong performance reporting framework matters
- Context is key – the power of good peer group, and other influential factors
- Looking good – data visualisation (and other ways to inspire and excite others with data)
- Bad habits – common pitfalls and problems when dealing with data – a whistle-stop tour of good data management
Stay ahead of policy and practice
Connect with fellow executives with our leadership programme – exclusively available to members. Come together with other executive peers to discuss and debate the dynamics and contextual drivers of an ever-changing world and tackle challenges together. Hear directly from government departments, regulators, and economic thought leaders so you can always be on the pulse of emerging policy and regulation.
Events to suit everyone
Packed full of exciting content, talks from in and out of sector thought leaders and the chance to network with peers, Housemark’s Housing Data and Analytics Summit is a not to be missed event with places available to members at a discounted price.
Our range of Clubs and Forums enable you to connect with our community of experts across a range of housing functions to improve the way your teams work day-to-day.
It doesn’t stop there, and we have a busy calendar of events taking place throughout the year, with something for everyone including technical user forums and information security forums. Check out the events we currently have available –
Dedicated account manager and data expert on hand
Every Housemark member has a dedicated customer account manager and data expert who are responsible for helping you to make the most of your membership. They understand your organisation and will support you with your data submission and help you analyse your data too. They’ll help you access events and Clubs and be on hand to advise you throughout your membership.
Join the 350+ member organisations who are already working with us and using data to make a difference. Let’s work together to build a package that works for you and redefine what’s possible for your business. Contact us or email