The year ending March 2023 was characterised by two seismic shocks for social housing landlords โ the highest inflation price rises for a generation accompanied by an intense focus on the quality of housing stock.
The effect on a sector still recovering from the upheaval of the pandemic has been an increase in operational complexity and a significant strain on capacity. Landlords are wrestling with competing demands – for asset investment, enhanced consumer regulation and rising costs – set against a backdrop of lower income from less-than-inflation rent increases.
Housemark has compiled a report of hot-off-the press results for the 2022/23 financial year, based on results from 241 landlords across the UK. With monthly figures annualised to represent the full year, we exclusively show how the sector performed in the year and provide landlords with the insight and context to understand their own performance.
Alongside this first look at 2022/23 performance we have produced a TSM-focused report for English landlords. This sets the baseline for six key measures collected through Monthly Pulse, giving you at-a-glance knowledge of how the sector is performing at the outset of increased regulation.
This analysis is underpinned by data from Housemarkโs Monthly Pulse, which is open to all Housemark subscribers. Using anonymised monthly performance results, we produce a fully validated benchmarking analysis report at the end of each month.
To always gain this exclusive insight into whatโs happening in the sector and how youโre performing, sign up to our Monthly Pulse reports, only available with a Housemark subscription.ย Contactย for more information.